Machine Learning, Python

Consuming Chatgpt API in Python

Here’s the Python code I used in the class. I’m storing my key in the environment variable ‘OPENAI_API_KEY.’ Ram Subramaniam.

from openai import OpenAI
import os
openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
print ("\n")

client = OpenAI(api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"))
mess = "beyond 120, any increment in IQ does not necessarily imply higher creativity"
prompt = "restate the following statement: " + mess
print ("Original Message : "+mess)
for x in range (0, 5):
 chat_completion =[{"role": "user", "content": prompt}, ],model="gpt-3.5-turbo")
 print("Revised Message : " +chat_completion.choices[0].message.content)
Fintech, Machine Learning, R programming, Tech

IIM Fintech Lecture – Indian Institute of Management – Bangalore

In this course I plan to cover items 1 through 5. I’m flexible with the level of participation from students in programming exercises in step 5 (ML). Depending on backgrounds and goals, students may choose not to program (why learn programming if you can hire a developer for 10$/Hr?) or actively program in R and/or Python.

0) How much ‘Fin’ and how much ‘Tech’?

1) How banks’ reluctance to innovate/adopt led to Fintech. Banks! You can’t bank on them.

2) The ultra-personalisation of financial services through technology – the driver behind Fintech

3) Case Studies – Peer-to-peer lending, Crypto-currencies, Robo-advisers, online-only digital banks

4) My Money Karma

5) Machine Learning using R (or Python)

Ram Subramaniam Stanford
Career Management, Entrepreneurship, Machine Learning, Tech

The 10 most in-demand skills of 2019, according to LinkedIn

I don’t like it, but the four of the 6 top skills required are IT skills! Please read on. Analytical reasoning is not exclusive to IT and I haven’t considered it as an IT only skill! Others are.

1) Cloud Computing
2) Artificial Intelligence
3) Analytical Reasoning
4) People Management
5) UX Design
6) Mobile Application Development

Click the URL and read on……

The 10 most in-demand skills of 2019, according to LinkedIn

Ram Subramaniam Stanford